Key Ideas About Life and Love From Osho's "Life, Love, Laughter"

My Book Highlights 📌
On life 🌊
The meaning of life is not given. But freedom, creativity, and life itself are, so we have everything we need to create a meaning of life for ourselves. We must become creators ourselves.
If we look at the world and it seems old to us, it means our mind is not meditative. When everything looks old, it means that our mind is old. When the mind is fresh - the world also seems fresh. An old world can cause us deadly boredom and thus we should learn to look at the world with a fresh mind.
If our ordinary life becomes extraordinary, we become spiritual ourselves. Otherwise, we will not be spiritual. We need to find the extraordinary in simplicity, in familiar things - novelty, in known things - unknowns, in close things - distant ones.
Relaxation is the essence. If we can relax in the presence of an enlightened person, we will be flooded with enlightenment because we will become porous and we will become very sensitive. When we tense up, we become closed, but when we relax, when we feel comfortable, even when we drink tea, God enters us. God cannot enter us through the mind, only through the heart.
Life is not waiting for us outside - it is within us. Life is not a goal that we will achieve someday in the future, it is happening here and now. Life is in our breath, our flowing blood, our beating heart. Everything we are is our life. If we look for its meaning somewhere else, we won't find it.
No one can explain the meaning of life to us. It is our life and our meaning. Only we ourselves can answer what is the meaning of our life, and only we can reveal the mystery of our life by living.
Death is not ugly, death is beautiful. But death will only be beautiful for those who have lived a life without constraints, those who did not suppress life. Death will be beautiful only for those who lived beautifully, who were not afraid to live, who dared to love, dance, and celebrate.
The body is our temporary abode, the body is a temple into which we come to spend the night and leave in the morning. The body is not a permanent refuge, the body is not the real home.
If in life we cared only about the body and nothing else interested us, then death will be very ugly, unpleasant, and painful to us. But if we lived at least slightly above bodily things, if we enjoyed music and poetry, if we loved, if we liked to look at the stars and flowers, if there was something non-physical in our consciousness, death will not be bad. We will accept death calmly, but it will not yet be a celebration.
But if we've touched the transcendental part of our being, if we feel that we are neither body nor mind, if we are not at all interested in bodily pleasures, if we do not care about music, poetry, literature, or art, if we have become pure consciousness - then death will be a great celebration, a moment of great understanding, a great discovery.
Our life is only ours, not anyone else's. Therefore, we should not allow anyone to rule over us and dictate to us how to live - it would be a betrayal of our lives. If we allow someone to dictate to us how to live - parents, teachers, friends, priests, politicians, society - we will lose our lives. We will lose it because the dictate comes from the outside, and life is an internal thing. The inside and outside never meet.
Life is insecurity. Every moment we become more insecure. It's like a game of chance. Nobody knows what will happen. But that's the beauty of it. If life was predictable, life wouldn't be worth living. If everything was as we like it, if everything was certain and assured, we would not be humans, but machines.
People live freely. And freedom requires uncertainty and safety. In fact, wise people always feel unsure, they have no dogma to lean on.
The path of life is very reminiscent of zigzags and not at all like straight train tracks. But this is the beauty and greatness of life, this is the poetry and music of life as it is a constant surprise.
So, let's not ask other people for advice on how to live. Life is too precious. Just live as we can and try not to repeat the same mistakes. And those who can make new mistakes are constantly growing. This is the only way to learn, the only way to reveal one’s divine light.
Let's not borrow from other people their understanding of how to live, let's reject intermediaries, and let's not try to borrow another person's eyes. We were given eyes to see the world directly - real life appears when we experience it ourselves and when we understand things ourselves.
On marriage 💑
Marriage is an unnatural thing. Marriage is created by people. While love is a part of life, love cannot be created. When we put the fence of marriage around love, we become husbands and wives. We are no longer two living people but two functionaries. The husband performs certain functions, the wife also performs certain functions.
When we look at a husband and wife, we always see two frozen people sitting next to each other and not knowing what they are doing.
When two people love each other, we see a stream flowing between them, where everything moves, and changes. When two people love each other, they live in an aura and constantly share their vibrations with each other, they transmit their existence to each other. There is no wall between them. They are not two separate people, they are one.
If you fall in love with a woman, you immediately prepare to belittle her and make a wife out of her. You want to reduce her to the role of a wife. A wife is much more predictable than a lover. If you fall in love with a man, you immediately prepare to make a thing out of him. You want the lover to become an official husband because the lover is too pliable and uncontrollable. As soon as people fall in love with each other, they immediately decide to formalise their relationship officially - this way they are afraid of love. They try to control each other.
Don't strive to own people as your property, because when a person becomes property, he is no longer here.
As soon as a person becomes your property, you kill love. So either you can have a person, or you can love him but you can’t have them both. Remember, the desire to have a person as property arises from the ego.
On ego 🧠
Our ego is made up of our experience, knowledge, and the dust of lived life, which will settle on us and become a crust that needs to be shed. This must be done continuously. We must constantly cleanse ourselves, otherwise this crust will become our prison. The ego is afraid to love because when we love life reaches its peak. And where the summit of life is, there is also the summit of death - life and death go hand in hand.
Let us be nothing. When we start thinking that we are something, the flow of love stops. Love pours only from those who are nothing. If we are empty, love resides in us. But when our being is filled with ego, love disappears. That is the meaning of humility and modesty.
Only in love do all our burdens disappear. The burden accumulates only in ego and it needs to be destroyed. Love makes us nothing and completely erases our ego. Love destroys us, completely kills us and gives us a new life. It will be a new life - a life without ego, a simple life, humble, a life with God. Through us begins to pour the music of God and we do not interrupt it.
All differences are created by the ego. When the ego is satisfied, it is a victory for it. When the ego is dissatisfied, it is a defeat for it. But when there is no ego, we begin to live without victories and without defeats. We just live.
We should live "here" so that "here" does not matter to us. It's good to live in our home, but when it's time to leave the house, we should be able to leave without looking back. We should be with people, but when they die, say goodbye to them quietly, without feeling the pain of loss.
On love 💓
When we truly love something, our ego begins to weaken and melt. When there is ego, we cannot love. The ego is an obstacle to love.
Compassion - when another person seems more valuable to us than we are to ourselves.
Love - when we can sacrifice for another person. When we are just a means, and the goal of our life is another person, that's called love. When the goal of our life is ourselves, and other people are just a means, that's desire. Desire is always deceptive, and love - always compassionate.
When we look at the world without love, it appears materialistic, but when we look at it with love, the world transforms, changes, and everything becomes divine, music begins to play.
Let's be in this moment. The past and the future encourage thinking and thinking destroys feelings. A person who thinks too intensively forgets that he has a heart and becomes distant from feelings.
Let us love, but let us not allow love to become lust. Let us love, but not get attached or allow it to become addiction or slavery. Then our love will be gigantic, and there will be no fear in it.
Let us learn to transform our poisons into honey and then all barriers will disappear. Then let us give - let's start sharing everything we have. By sharing we will become richer. Let us not accumulate - when we accumulate we are trying to protect our ego and do not trust life.
Love is an energy field that transforms and makes us weightless. Love is the most meaningful experience in human life. It is the most ordinary, and the most extraordinary. More or less, we all experience love and it changes us.
A sick person is someone who is in various ways not connected with the whole. When the disease becomes chronic, it simply means that the roots are completely destroyed, we are only partially in life, and the other part of us is dead. The body has lost connection with universal energy.
If this is a disease, then the greatest of all diseases is philosophy, because philosophy completely separates us from existence. Moreover, philosophy instils such logic that we do not fully understand our disease. We justify our disease and the disease even justifies itself - supposedly it has to be so. Philosophy means that man becomes completely oriented to the head. Man looks at existence not with the eyes of love, but with the eyes of logic.
Ambitions poison love. Lovers do not feel the need to prove or affirm anything. They know they are loved, and that is enough for them. When you are unloved - there is a strong desire to perform some action that would show the world how important and necessary you are. If you are unnecessary, you feel empty, useless, and powerless.
The two people who love each other raise each other's consciousness. When consciousness becomes one, that level of consciousness is immediately reflected in one another and they both rise higher and higher.
On meditation 🌞
Pure beings can be called God. If we understand our inner divinity, we will also understand what life is. Otherwise, life will not be decoded. All life continuously testifies that we are gods. When we understand this, there will be no death.
The duration of life is not significant. How long we live does not matter. What matters is the depth and quality of life and how intensely we live.
Let's not rush into the future and let go of all expectations. When we let go of expectations, we learn to live. Then we are satisfied with everything that happens. And since we expect nothing, we will never feel frustrated. When we reject expectations, frustration naturally falls away.
Society imposes on us concepts, prejudices, systems of views, and religions. Therefore, it is difficult for us to look at the world directly because we are forced to interpret it. When we think that something is good or bad - is it our personal opinion or an interpretation imposed by society?
Do not let us be fooled by people. The only thing worth striving for is vigilance. Do not seek people's respect, as it is one of their tricks to make us obedient. The more we are dead, the more society respects us. The more alive we are, the more problems society will cause us.
Society needs efficiency, so it makes us more and more automatic. Whatever we do and whoever we do it for, we have to do it almost automatically. Society does not care about our consciousness - the most important thing is that we are more efficient and productive. We strive to be as efficient as possible, but we lose our soul because of it.
All meditation techniques aim to de-automatise us, make us more alert, and turn us into people, not machines.
We should only act and do things when we feel positive but we must avoid forcing ourselves to feel positive when we don't - instead, we should wait until positivity comes back to us naturally. And once it's there with us, we should share it with those around us - this is when our love will naturally flow as a river deep from our hearts.
Let's not do anything in a moment of anger, give it some time and we will see that it transforms into compassion after a while. It is the same energy, we just need to add patience to it.
When we get angry, we should meditate. Anger generates a lot of energy, and energy is neutral - it can destroy but it can also create. Let's not allow this energy to become destructive - let's not do anything in a hurry, let's wait, and it will eventually become constructive. That's when we can do something.
Knowing oneself means knowing one's inner climate, one's inner murderer, sinner, saint, god, devil... Let's get to know all our states and then many secrets will be revealed to us
A completely different quality of love arises from meditation. Then love becomes wisdom. We no longer lose our heads in love, but it helps us to rise, love becomes eternity. Such love is not addressed to any one person, but everyone who approaches us can take and experience it from us.
On playfulness 👻
Meditation does not lead us into silence but it can create a situation where silence arises. When silence arises, laughter and celebration also appear in life. We no longer feel depressed, we do not try to escape from the world, we are not sad. Instead, we accept everything in the world as a game, as a play, not as a serious thing at all.
Our enlightenment is perfect when we learn to celebrate the feast of silence.
Playfulness is one of the most suppressed parts of the human essence. Society fears playful, unserious people because they have no ambitions, they do not strive to earn a lot of money, they do not need political power or prestige, and they simply enjoy life. And such people are much harder to control.
The world appreciates obedient children, while playful children are often condemned because people believe it can lead to rebellion.
And rebels are dangerous. It will not be possible to force rebels to get married, which would please their parents, it will not be possible to force them to find a job that would please their parents, and it will not be possible to force them to fulfill their parents' unfulfilled desires. Rebellious people simply go their own way, they live their life, and strive to fulfil their desires and their ideals.
We need to learn to laugh at ourselves and our seriousness - it is a sign of humility and modesty. Foolish people are healthier because they live in the moment and know they are foolish, so they don't care what other people think of them and so they live longer.